Thursday, February 12, 2009

Waiting and waiting

So, the last couple of months have been filled with tons of emotions. With Jake and I trying and not succeeding having kids, and work and the economy, like is just plain hard. I wonder alot if we should even bring a child into this world of pain, but the joy that that one child can bring to not only us, but our families makes it so worth it. And what if, my child is the one that cures cancer or actually succeeds in making peace in the world. So, my insecurities are out weight by the good things a child can bring, so we truck on.

I was supposed to start my artifical insemination cycle this month, but I am patiently waiting for things with my body to happen. Unfortunately we are on a bit of a time constrant because we are going to Vegas in the middle of March. I need to be monitored throughout my cycle to watch my hormone levels. So we are hoping things will start soon and we won't lose 2 cycle with us being gone. This is one of the first vacations we have had since we got married and it is much needed. We have never been but we are sooo excited to go.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I hope things get started soon! I don't want you to have to wait out another cycle!! If you haven't already, post on iP and let me know exactly what is going on, what your waiting for I mean.

    Good luck! fingers crossed xxxx
